Resource Development Council

Membership Form

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Resource Development Council.

Following are our membership categories:

Individual Corporate
Basic $75 $500
Silver $150 $750
Gold $300 $1,500
Platinum $500 and up $3,000 and up

The Resource Development Council for Alaska, Inc. is classified a nonprofit trade association under IRS Code 501(c)(6). Membership dues and other financial support may be tax deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense, however, 15.9% of the dues are non-deductible. Dues are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax and are non-refundable.

When you click Join Now, you will be directed to a page for payment of your membership. If you have any questions, please call or email us today!

Join Now

Membership Application (PDF)

You may also call (907) 276-0700 or send us an email and we will contact you regarding membership.