Resource Development Council

RDC Testimony:
SB 2 - Support for Alaska to become a full member of the IMCC

Before House Resources
Testimony provided by Marleanna Hall

April 5, 2013

Good afternoon, Co-Chair Feige, Co-Chair Saddler, and members of the House Resources Committee. My name is Marleanna Hall. I am a projects coordinator at the Resource Development Council. RDC is a membership funded, statewide business association representing tourism, forestry, oil and gas, mining, and fishing industries.

RDC supports the passage of SB 2, an act that will allow the State of Alaska to join the Interstate Mining Compact Commission as a full member.

Many of the points I came here to make today have already been made, so I will just make a few more.

Alaska should encourage investment, as worldwide interest in Alaska’s mineral potential is increasing, along with its accompanying spending. In joining the IMCC, Alaska could show leadership in advocating for a healthy and stable permitting and regulatory system. The IMCC is a commission of states aligned to promote environmentally responsible resource development.

RDC recognizes that the IMCC recognizes the importance of mining nationwide and brings a collective voice to Washington D.C., advocating for states’ rights.

Furthermore, joining the IMCC as a full member will allow Alaska to benefit in many ways, including partnering with other states on federal issues, and building on successes that will promote the mining industry in Alaska and nationwide.

RDC urges member of House Resources to pass SB 2 in a timely manner. Thank you for your consideration of these comments.