Resource Development Council

Comment Letter:
Support of HB110 - Scott Spickler

March 24 Via email to House Finance Committee members

Dear Representatives,

I would like to urge your support and passage of HB 110.  Clearly the the warning signs have been in front of us for many years that we need to produce more oil to keep the pipeline running.

Alaska is competing for exploration investment dollars from many parts of the world, including the USA, and we need to make us an attractive location in which to do business or we will lose in the long run for future generations of Alaskans.

Recently the President provided Brazil with a two billion dollar loan for offshore drilling. In my opinion, Alaska and America would have been much better served with our environmental oversight and the jobs potential to spend that kind of money right here in Alaska.  The Federal Government is systematically shutting down our natural resource development opportunities and we need to fight, and fight hard for us to have the ability create and sustain jobs for the present and future of our state.

As our leaders of this state,  I hope you can see the wisdom of creating the incentive HB 110 provides at this critical phase in our state's economy.

Thank you,
Scott Spickler

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