Resource Development Council

RDC Action Alert:
Shadura Natural Gas Development Project

View RDC Comment Letter

Deadline for Comment was April 13, 2012

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has received a right-of-way application from NordAq Energy, Inc., for the construction and operation of facilities associated with exploration and production of natural gas in the northwestern portion of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. While the Service owns the land surface, Cook Inlet Region, Inc., (CIRI) owns the subsurface oil and gas resources. CIRI has entered a lease with NordAq Energy to develop these gas resources. The application is being made subject to CIRI's rights under certain provisions of the Cook Inlet Land Exchange, as codified in certain amendments to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA).

The proposed Shadura Natural Gas Development Project is located in the northwestern portion of the Kenai Peninsula, approximately four miles southeast of the end of the road in Captain Cook State Recreation Area. Scoping meetings will be held March 20 in Kenai and March 22 in Anchorage where the Service intends to gather information necessary for the preparation of an environmental document. The Service uses this process to obtain suggestions and information from other agencies and the public on the scope of issues to be addressed in the document. These meetings will explain the project, hear concerns, and receive comments.

Public Hearings:
March 20 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Challenger Learning Center of Alaska, Kenai
9711 Kenai Spur Highway

March 22 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Campbell Creek Science Center, Anchorage
5600 Science Center Drive

Submit comments to:

Mr. Peter Wikoff
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1011 East Tudor Road, MS-231
Anchorage, AK 99503

Email Comments:

Points to consider in your comments:

  • The proposed Shadura Natural Gas Development Project is in the public's best interest given a shortfall in Southcentral Alaska's gas supply is expected to occur by as early as 2014.
  • According to a recent update to the Cook Inlet Gas Supply Study by Petrotechnical Resources of Alaska, chronic shortfalls in gas supplies will begin in two years, forcing local utilities to import expensive liquefied natural gas, leading to higher prices for energy.
  • The proposed project will mean new jobs for the Kenai Peninsula, jobs and royalties for shareholders of Cook Inlet Region, Inc., and a stable source of energy for the local communities of Southcentral Alaska.
  • More than half of Alaska's population depends on natural gas from the Cook Inlet region for home heating, electricity and commercial enterprise. Continued development of Alaska's natural gas resources is critical to our State's economic well-being and the quality of life of Alaska's citizens.
  • CIRI owns the subsurface rights to the project area. Under the provisions of the Cook Inlet Land Exchange, as codified by certain amendments to ANCSA, CIRI has the right to access its oil and gas resources in the subsurface estate within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. The proposed project represents a forward step toward meeting the economic obligations to the Native people of Alaska as envisioned by ANCSA.
  • Revenues CIRI receives from the Shadura project will be shared with other Native corporations and their shareholders throughout Alaska through the section 7(i) revenue-sharing provisions of ANCSA.
  • The project area will impact only a fraction of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. Responsible energy development has occurred inside the refuge since 1959.
  • We are confident NordAq Energy and CIRI will work diligently to insure a successful, environmentally-sound project. We urge the Fish and Wildlife Service to move forward as quickly as possible.

Deadline for Comment was April 13, 2012

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