Resource Development Council

Member Comments:
Point Thomson Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Testimony of Lindsay Williams on behalf Senator Cathy Giessel
December 5, 2011 Anchorage, AK

Good evening.

My name is Lindsay Williams. I am legislative staff for State Senator Cathy Giessel. Senator Giessel regrets being unable to attend tonight. She is a nurse practitioner and volunteers at a free clinic for homeless citizens on Monday evenings.

Senator Giessel’s remarks on the Point Thomson Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement are as follows:

Ladies and Gentleman of the Corps of Engineers,

The Point Thomson Project is important to the state of Alaska and to its citizens. The project makes clean energy sources of natural gas and gas condesates available to Alaska and the US. It also brings jobs to Alaskans. Tonight I am working at a free healthcare clinic for homeless Alaskans, many of whom are in this predicament due to inability to find jobs to support themselves. Alaskans need, and welcome, jobs in resource development.

Of the 5 alternatives, Option B is clearly the most responsible. Option B requires the least water consumption and transportation activity. Special attention has been paid to stream crossings and preserving fish habitat. Barging schedules and other activities defer to polar bears, bowhead whales, ringed seals and other marine life. The project designer have thought of everything: the thickness of the pipeline is increased to defect accidental bullet strikes; and even the textured, coated pipeline surface allows it to blend with the environment.

Most importantly, Alaskans will have opportunity for training and jobs. To date the project has accrued more than 3.5 million hours without a Lost Time Incident. This, along with accommodations for wildlife and land issues, represents a culture of safety for the environment and people.

I support Option B for the Point Thomson development, as outlined in the Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Thank you.

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