Resource Development Council

Member Comment Letter:
Revised Draft SEIS, Lease Sale 193 Chukchi Sea

July 11, 2011 Via Online

I am writing in support of the revised draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the 2008 Chukchi Sea lease sale. This new SEIS-three years in the making-answers not only the technical issues cited by Judge Ralph Beistline in his July 2010 ruling, but also the potential impacts of a theoretical "worst case" oil spill.

As it now stands, the SEIS provides a clear path forward to responsible development in Alaska's Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). This path is a long-time coming. Oil and gas exploration in the Alaska OCS dates back to the early 1980s. The company I work for, in fact, provided numerous surveying and geotechnical projects to aid in these activities. Industry drilled more than 30 exploratory wells during this time, including five wells in the Chukchi; all without incident.

This prior experience underscores a couple of important points. First, the Alaska OCS isn't "uncharted territory" as some would argue. Rather, industry has a proven record of success working in these waters, even without the advanced surveying and drilling technology available today. Second, while the region poses unique challenges, it is not inherently more dangerous or difficult than other offshore locations. The risks are simply different.

In developing the revised SEIS, government has identified the unique challenges of offshore exploration in the Chukchi and has formed rigorous stipulations that will ensure the safety of the ocean environment and coastal communities. Let us adopt these regulations and lead other Arctic nations in responsible development. Doing so could help refill the Trans Alaska Pipeline System, create nearly 55,000 new jobs over the next 50 years and provide billions of dollars for the federal treasury.

Thank you for considering my comments.

Scott Widness

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